Aloe Barbadensis Miller. It’s a mouthful, but it’s a name worth knowing.
There are around 300 species of aloe plants. They are all succulents found in arid regions throughout the world. They’re each beneficial in their own ways, but there is only one species that has been recognized for millenia for its magically soothing abilities—Aloe Barbadensis Miller.
Do you know why Aloe Vera has this name?
The name originates from the naturalist Miller that found Aloe Vera on the small island of Barbados in the Antilles. He thought, it to be a native plant of the island, therefore the scientific name “Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller”.
The Aloe plant originated from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Today it is widely cultivated in California, Texas, Mexico, India, and coastal Venezuela. It is also a popular house plant.
You probably know that the Aloe plant is very sensitive to cold weather ...
... That’s because it consists of 95% water. The Aloe Vera leaves are full of juicy tissues which are full of vitality and freshness. And that’s why its habitat is in warm and dry regions.
The Aloe Vera family is a large one and belongs to a larger class of plants, known as the “succulent”.
They are called succulent because they possess the ability to close their stomata completely to avoid loss of water.
In the inside of the leaf, which is protected by a tough cuticle, the gel type of pulp is present. The gel carries the valuable nutrients in a meaty like substance.
The Aloe Vera plant has a special chemical make-up which closes wounds almost immediately. The wounds, that the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant receive, close and heal with almost miraculous rapidity and the plant just keeps on growing.
Miracle or Blessing?
Aloe Vera. There certainly isn’t a more popular natural extract. From cosmetics to toilet paper and from washing up liquid to drinks, the ‘miracle product’
Aloe Vera seems to make an appearance wherever you look. We can provide you with an absolute guarantee that pure Aloe Vera is the most important ingredient in all our products, ensuring you can optimally
benefit from the positive effects Aloe Vera has on your health and well being.
We would like to introduce you to the beneficial world of Aloe Vera and provide you with some solid information on this natural product’s origin, effects and applications.
So what exactly is Aloe Vera?
Aloe Vera is sometimes also referred to as the ‘miracle plant’, ‘natural healer’ and ‘burns plant’. There are more than 300 different types of Aloe, but the Aloe Vera Barbadensis, known as Aloe Vera, is the most powerful of them all. Aloe Vera contains many substances which have a positive effect on our health.
The plant, which looks very much like a cactus, is a member of the lily family. This family consists of approximately 3.700 types of flowering plants, including the garlic, the onion and the asparagus. The plant reaches maturity after four years, after which the contents of its leaves, a mixture of gel and sap, can be
harvested and bottled for the end product.
Aloe Vera was already known to the civilizations of the Old Greeks, the Romans, the Babylonians, the Indians and the Chinese. The plant has been used for thousands of years as a result of its beneficial effects. One legend suggests that Alexander the Great was convinced to conquer the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean in order to collect great quantities of Aloe Vera for his wounded soldiers.
Dr Bill Coats, a pharmacist from Dallas in the American State of Texas, took it upon himself to tell the world about the many benefits Aloe Vera represents. Four years later he had developed a stabilization process which protected the gel from the harmful effects of oxidation. Coats was dedicated to unravelling the plant’s biological composition and managed to achieve what no one had yet been able to achieve: extract the gel from the plant and stabilize it in a natural way which preserves Aloe Vera’s powerful and healing properties. Dr Coats’ stabilization process was patented and is now the property of Forever Living Products International (Aloe Vera of America).
There are around 300 species of aloe plants. They are all succulents found in arid regions throughout the world. They’re each beneficial in their own ways, but there is only one species that has been recognized for millenia for its magically soothing abilities—Aloe Barbadensis Miller.
Do you know why Aloe Vera has this name?
The name originates from the naturalist Miller that found Aloe Vera on the small island of Barbados in the Antilles. He thought, it to be a native plant of the island, therefore the scientific name “Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller”.
The Aloe plant originated from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Today it is widely cultivated in California, Texas, Mexico, India, and coastal Venezuela. It is also a popular house plant.
You probably know that the Aloe plant is very sensitive to cold weather ...
... That’s because it consists of 95% water. The Aloe Vera leaves are full of juicy tissues which are full of vitality and freshness. And that’s why its habitat is in warm and dry regions.
The Aloe Vera family is a large one and belongs to a larger class of plants, known as the “succulent”.
They are called succulent because they possess the ability to close their stomata completely to avoid loss of water.
In the inside of the leaf, which is protected by a tough cuticle, the gel type of pulp is present. The gel carries the valuable nutrients in a meaty like substance.
The Aloe Vera plant has a special chemical make-up which closes wounds almost immediately. The wounds, that the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant receive, close and heal with almost miraculous rapidity and the plant just keeps on growing.
Miracle or Blessing?
Aloe Vera. There certainly isn’t a more popular natural extract. From cosmetics to toilet paper and from washing up liquid to drinks, the ‘miracle product’
Aloe Vera seems to make an appearance wherever you look. We can provide you with an absolute guarantee that pure Aloe Vera is the most important ingredient in all our products, ensuring you can optimally
benefit from the positive effects Aloe Vera has on your health and well being.
We would like to introduce you to the beneficial world of Aloe Vera and provide you with some solid information on this natural product’s origin, effects and applications.
So what exactly is Aloe Vera?
Aloe Vera is sometimes also referred to as the ‘miracle plant’, ‘natural healer’ and ‘burns plant’. There are more than 300 different types of Aloe, but the Aloe Vera Barbadensis, known as Aloe Vera, is the most powerful of them all. Aloe Vera contains many substances which have a positive effect on our health.
The plant, which looks very much like a cactus, is a member of the lily family. This family consists of approximately 3.700 types of flowering plants, including the garlic, the onion and the asparagus. The plant reaches maturity after four years, after which the contents of its leaves, a mixture of gel and sap, can be
harvested and bottled for the end product.
Aloe Vera was already known to the civilizations of the Old Greeks, the Romans, the Babylonians, the Indians and the Chinese. The plant has been used for thousands of years as a result of its beneficial effects. One legend suggests that Alexander the Great was convinced to conquer the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean in order to collect great quantities of Aloe Vera for his wounded soldiers.
Dr Bill Coats, a pharmacist from Dallas in the American State of Texas, took it upon himself to tell the world about the many benefits Aloe Vera represents. Four years later he had developed a stabilization process which protected the gel from the harmful effects of oxidation. Coats was dedicated to unravelling the plant’s biological composition and managed to achieve what no one had yet been able to achieve: extract the gel from the plant and stabilize it in a natural way which preserves Aloe Vera’s powerful and healing properties. Dr Coats’ stabilization process was patented and is now the property of Forever Living Products International (Aloe Vera of America).
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